A social enterprise, independent of the government and the local authority, supporting Ukrainian guests and their hosts in the New Forest
Ukrainians in the UK under the family or Homes for Ukraine scheme are entitied to claim benefits whilst seeking refuge here in the UK, in order to support themselves financially.
They can access Universal Credit and jobs support immediately, as well as Child Benefit if their children are under 16 and are in the UK with them. Those over retirement age can claim Pension Credit.
There are additional benefits that guests may be able to claim depending on their circumatances. They may be eligible for Housing Benefit, Personal Independence Payment, Child Disability Living Allowance and Carers Allowance, and Attendance Allowance. Contributions-based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), and Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) are also available for those Ukrainians who meet the criteria.
Many of the benefits outlined here can be claimed online via the links we have provided.
Alternatively you can:
Seek help from Citizen's Advice as shown in the information below.
Make an appointment with the DWP at a JobCentre. The map below shows where they are.
The Job Centre's can help you find out which benefits you can claim. They can also help you with the applications.
The map below shows the Jobcentre's in the New Forest.
Universal Credit
Universal credit is a welfare benefit payment for working age people who are unable to work, who are looking for work but have not yet found a job, or who are on a low income. This is called Universal Credit and is a monthly payment which can be used to pay for your living expenses (food, clothing, transport, bills,...).
To claim you must:
live in the UK and be aged 18 or over
be under State Pension age
have £16,000 or less in money, savings and investments
Your Universal Credit payment is made up of a standard allowance. Any extra amounts that apply to you, for example, if you have children; a disability; a health condition which prevents you from working; or need help paying your rent, will be added in addition.
To claim online you will need an email address, access to a phone, your National Insurance number and your passport.
Advice from the Department of Work and Pensions in Lymington is to fill in the Universal Credit application online using
a valid UK sort code e.g. 11-17-13 and
account number 00000000
This allows the claim to be submitted and processed.
Online application asks for National Insurance number if you know it, leave blank if you do not have one and JobCentre can fast track National Insurance application.
Benefits will be paid from the date of application so the sooner guests apply the better.
You will need to let them know as soon as you have your bank details so that they can pay Universal credit payments into your account.
If you have questions about Universal Credit you can call:
Universal Credit Full Service 0800 328 5644
Citizens Advice Help to Claim 0800 144 8 444
Many of the benefits outlined here can be claimed online via the links we have provided.
If you are unsure about which benefits to claim, Citizens Advice can help you work out which benefits you are eligible for and help you complete the forms.
Citizen's Advice Help to Claim Line - 0800 144 8 444.
Pension Credit
Claim this is you are over the State Pension age.
Pension Credit tops up:
your weekly income to £182.60 if you’re single
your joint weekly income to £278.70 if you have a partner
If you have £10,000 or less in savings and investments this will not affect your Pension Credit.
Child Benefit
You can claim child benefit for any child you are responsible for bringing up who is under 16 (or under 20 if in approved education or training).
Eldest child - £21.80 per week
Other children - £14.4 per week per child
Download and complete the Child Benefit claim form (CH2).
They ask you to send it to the address on the form along with passport(s) and brith certificate(s).
Guests may be understandably reluctant to do this as it could be for many weeks. However, the Job Centres can make copies of these documents and stamp them to say they have seen the originals so that only the copies need to be included with the form.
If you are also claiming Universal Credit fill in the CH2 form and take it to your appointment at the Job Centre - they can fast-track the claim as well as verifying copies of passports and birth certificates.
Please note - it can take up to 16 weeks to process a Child Benefit claim.